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What is RIDDOR?

RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases, and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013) is a legal requirement mandating the reporting of certain work-related accidents, injuries, diseases, and dangerous occurrences. RIDDOR plays a crucial role in promoting workplace health and safety. However not all accidents need to be reported under RIDDOR. Only accidents that are work related and the resulting injury can be considered “reportable” should be reported under RIDDOR.

What types of injuries are reportable under RIDDOR?

The following are considered reportable under RIDDOR:

  • The death of any person
  • Specified injuries to workers (listed on the HSE website here)
  • Over-seven-day incapacitation of a worker
  • Non fatal accidents to non-workers (eg members of the public)
  • Occupational diseases
  • Dangerous occurrences
  • Gas incidents

For more details on what is reportable under RIDDOR visit the HSE website.

Why is RIDDOR important?

RIDDOR plays a crucial role in promoting workplace health and safety for several reasons:

Early intervention and prevention

RIDDOR reporting ensures that incidents and accidents are promptly brought to the attention of relevant authorities, enabling them to investigate and take appropriate actions to prevent similar incidents in the future. It helps identify patterns and trends in accidents and provides an opportunity to address underlying causes or hazards.

Data collection and analysis

The data collected through RIDDOR reports provides valuable information for statistical analysis and research on workplace health and safety. It helps identify high-risk industries, hazardous activities, common types of accidents, and emerging risks. This data can then be used to develop targeted strategies, policies, and regulations to enhance workplace safety.

Legal compliance

RIDDOR is a legal requirement, and failure to report incidents as required can result in penalties and legal consequences. It ensures that employers fulfil their responsibility to report accidents and incidents, creating a culture of accountability and compliance with health and safety regulations.

Employee awareness and involvement

RIDDOR reporting raises awareness among employees about workplace safety and encourages them to report incidents and near-misses. It empowers workers to play an active role in identifying hazards, promoting a safer working environment, and contributing to accident prevention.

Collaboration and improvement

RIDDOR reporting facilitates collaboration between employers, employees, safety representatives, and regulatory bodies. By sharing information about accidents and incidents, stakeholders can work together to identify areas for improvement, implement corrective measures, and enhance overall workplace safety standards.

Overall, RIDDOR is important because it helps prevent future accidents, ensures legal compliance, promotes data-driven decision-making, and encourages a culture of safety in workplaces. By reporting incidents and analysing the data collected, employers and regulatory bodies can continuously improve and create safer working environments for everyone.

If you would like any further advice or guidance on RIDDOR reporting or any other Health and Safety matters, we’d love to help. Simply give us a call on 03300 414589, visit our contact us page or drop us an email at to arrange a conversation.

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