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Employers must make sure employees have immediate help if taken ill or injured at work. Employers are required to ensure “adequate and appropriate” first aid arrangements are in place. So what is adequate and appropriate?

First Aid Assessment

You should consider the operations that you undertake and consider:

  • if you need someone trained in first aid
  • what’s an adequate and appropriate level of training
  • how many people you train

To help you consider your first aid needs, you will need to consider the following with regard to your operations:

  • Type of Work
  • Hazards Likely
  • Size of Workforce
  • Potential absences of first aiders and appointed persons
  • Working Patters
  • History of Accidents
  • Travelling, remote and lone workers
  • Access to Emergency Medical Services

At the very least you must ensure there is:

  • A suitably stocked first aid kit
  • An Appointed Person (or more than one)
  • Information for all employees on first aid arrangements

What’s an Appointed Person?

An appointed person is someone who is in charge of your first aid arrangements. This includes looking after the equipment, facilities and calling the emergency services.

You can have more than one appointed person and they don’t need to have any formal training.

An appointed person must always be available whenever people are at work.

You might decide that you need one or more people trained in first aid.

Remote and co-working First Aid Arrangements

If your work is low-risk, such as desk-based work and you work in your own home, you don’t need any first aid equipment beyond normal domestic needs.

If your work involves lots of driving, you may want to keep a first aid kit in your vehicle.

If you’re in a co-working space you’re legally responsible for your own first aid provision. However, you can collaborate with the other occupiers. Usually, in a written agreement, one employer takes responsibility for first aid for all workers on the premises.

First Aid at Work Resources:

Looking for more First Aid at Work Resources? Check out the basic First Aid Leaflet on the HSE Website or our Health and Safety Bundle on our webshop.

If you would like any further information or would like us to help you with a first aid needs assessment, we’d love to help. Simply give us a call on 03300 414589, visit our contact us page or drop us an email at to arrange a conversation.

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