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The Health and Safety Information for Employees Regulations 1989, requires employers to either display the HSE-approved law poster or to provide each of their workers with the equivalent pocket card.

The various sizes of poster are available to purchase from the HSE here:

Health and safety law poster (

Employers alternatively have the option to provide each member of staff with a Health and Safety Law pocket card, which provides the Health and Safety Law Poster information in a different format. These can be downloaded for free here:

Health and safety law (pocket card) (

The poster must be of a specified size and contain specific information as outlined by the HSE. It should include details about health and safety law, the responsibilities of employers and employees, and contact information for reporting accidents and concerns. The poster should be clear and easy to read.

Employers who have employees that speak languages other than English or Welsh may need to provide translated versions of the poster or additional materials to ensure that all employees can understand the information.

Failure to display the Health and Safety Law poster as required can result in penalties, including fines

It’s important to note that the content of the Health and Safety Law poster may change over time to reflect updates in legislation or guidance. Employers should regularly check for updates and replace outdated posters with the most current version as provided by the HSE. Your competent person should be in a position to obtain notices of updates through being registered with the HSE website.

Looking for more First Aid at Work Resources? Check out our Health and Safety Bundle on our webshop.

If you have any queries regarding the requirement for the posters/pocket cards or have any queries regarding their contents, we’d love to help. Simply give us a call on 03300 414589, visit our contact us page or drop us an email at to arrange a conversation.

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